About 6 months ago, I ordered some organic beeswax lipbalm from an Etsy store. It soon became my favourite lipbalm and I carried that little pot where ever I went. A few weeks ago, I realized I would soon run out, and contacted the Etsy seller. Her storefront was empty and as I clicked the "send" button on my convo, I remembered she was doing her PhD and was probably not selling on Etsy anymore.
I waited for a reply, but came up with a Plan B just in case.
When a few weeks had passed, I decided Plan B needed to go into action. I became
So to save you from your own "I'm running out of lip balm" emergency, here is how you make beeswax lip balm.
be careful! we were having spaghetti that night for dinner, and shredded beeswax looks hilariously similar to shredded cheese ;)
Step 2:
Set up your double boiler system. Fill a small saucepan or pot with water and heat. Place your mason jar or glass measuring cup in the water. Add 1 tbsp shredded beeswax and melt.
Step 3:
Step 6:
Cool in the fridge for about 10 minutes or less; you can leave this at room temperature to set, but it might take a little bit longer.
Step 7:
Enjoy your new lip balm!
There are many variations of this recipe, and you can add other scented oils and Vitamin E. The Castor oil provides shine, which is why I chose this recipe. I have purchased other homemade lip balms with other oils and found the balm to be really gritty. This balm is very smooth and keeps your lips soft. It will not protect from sun damage, although I have read online that you can obtain SPF factor and add it.
I found this recipe to be nice and soft, perfect for the lip tubes. I might add a pinch more beeswax when I make it again for the pots to make it a little bit thicker. You can alter the amount of oil and solid (beeswax) until you find a consistency you like.
I now have a hunk of beeswax, so you might find some more tutorials until I use it up ;) Either way...I now have a lifetime supply of lip balm materials.
Ciao for now,